Prayer for Women

Rose Window of Our LadyO Mary, Mother of God and Our Spiritual Mother, the Mediatrix of All Graces and the Mother of the Church, you love us with your Immaculate Heart, and we love you with our fragile hearts. Hear our prayer for all women. We pray for devout and lax women, for strong and weak women, for married and single women, for mothers and virgins, for consecrated women, for housewives and women who work outside the home, for women who are students, for women in the military, for women who are Catholics and women who are non-practicing Catholics, for women who are not Catholics, for women who have abandoned the Catholic Church, for virtuous and sinful women, for women who are particularly tempted, for faithful and unfaithful women, for generous and ungenerous women, for women who have accepted the Gift of Life, for women who have aborted and women who have prevented conception, for women who dress modestly and those who do not, for wealthy and poor women, for young and old women, for women who are addicted, for healthy, sick and dying women, and for the souls of all women in Purgatory. O Woman, you who are the Model of women, keep all women close to your Immaculate Heart, and present them to the Most Sacred Heart of your Divine Son Jesus Christ, Who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is always Our Hope and the Source of our strength forever.

Imprimatur: † Robert William Finn, D.D.
Bishop of Kansas City-Saint Joseph
June 19, 2008

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