Author: wpadmin

Justice and mercy

Justice and mercy

As citizens of heaven, we are endowed with graces given to us at our baptism to receive and treat others with respect and dignity. This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained how justice and mercy are guiding virtues for enacting policies regarding illegal immigration.
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Sanctified through baptism

Sanctified through baptism

Who is Jesus really? Through the process of conversion and understanding, we can come to know who Jesus is and be sanctified through the sacraments of his Church.
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Be steadfast in your faith

Be steadfast in your faith

Do you struggle to be steadfast in your faith? This weekend in his homily, Bishop shared how an unexpected conversation inspired him in this man's steadfastness in faith. Still inspired, Bishop encouraged us to be steadfast in our faith and in doing what is right no matter how difficult it may be.
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The crosses of life

The crosses of life

Do you try to run away from or avoid the crosses the Lord gives you? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained the importance of embracing our crosses, dying to ourselves, remaining on our cross with Christ and allow him to come alive within us.
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Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on the Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision

Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on the Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision

Frontpage News, Joint Statements, Statements and Documents
June 24, 2024 Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Today we mark the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed South Dakota to begin protecting preborn children and their mothers from the harms of abortion. This is a fitting day to express gratitude for the thousands of South Dakotans who have rallied to meet the needs of women and families facing difficult or challenging pregnancies. Our state has a robust network of agencies and organizations that help pregnant women and families meet a variety of needs, including health care, housing, financial assistance, parenting education, and more. The state of South Dakota has established a website – – where access to all…
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Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on Ballot Measure to Legalize Marijuana

Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on Ballot Measure to Legalize Marijuana

Frontpage News, Joint Statements, Statements and Documents
June 6, 2024 On June 3, 2024, the South Dakota Secretary of State certified for the November general election ballot an initiated measure that would legalize the use, possession, and distribution of marijuana (cannabis) for so-called “recreational” purposes. The proposal has been designated as Initiated Measure 29. As Christians we must carefully consider how “recreational” marijuana legalization will affect the welfare of individuals and the common good. As spiritual leaders, desiring that every person in our state experience well-being in mind, body and spirit, we share this resource with the hope that it may shed light on how we can support human flourishing, and avoid that which brings harm to others and the common good. There is a widespread perception in society today that marijuana is a harmless drug. This…
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Officials – Deacon and Priest Assignments June, 2024

Officials – Deacon and Priest Assignments June, 2024

Frontpage News, Officials
June Officials The Most Reverend Donald E. DeGrood has decreed the following changes to clear assignments effective May 30, 2024: Deacon Philip Carlson to Deacon of St Thomas Aquinas, Madison, St Agatha, Howard, and St. William of Vercelli, Ramona Deacon David Halter to Deacon of Risen Savior Parish, Brandon and St. Rose of Lima, Garretson Deacon Edward Mitzel to Deacon of Sacred Heart, Aberdeen, St. Mary, Aberdeen, St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Aberdeen, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Groton, St. Joseph, Turton, Sacred Heart, Westport Deacon Bradley Wiemann to Deacon of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Elkton/Aurora, Pius XII Newman Center, Brookings, St. Thomas More, Brookings, St. John the Evangelist, Arlington, St. Francis de Sales, Estelline/Castlewood, St. Paul, White   and effective August 1, 2024 has appointed: Very Reverend Gregory Tschakert…
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Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on Certification of Abortion Amendment

Joint Statement of the Spiritual Leaders of the Roman Catholic Dioceses of South Dakota on Certification of Abortion Amendment

Frontpage News, Joint Statements, Statements and Documents
May 21, 2024 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, On May 16, 2024, the South Dakota Secretary of State certified for the November 5, 2024 election ballot a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. The Secretary has designated the proposal as Amendment G. This amendment would overturn dozens of pro-life laws in South Dakota that protect preborn children and their mothers from the dangers of abortion. The certification decision may be challenged in court due to irregularities in the petition circulation process, some of which were previously identified by the state attorney general. If a legal challenge ensues, we should pray that it results in the removal of this extreme measure from the ballot, given the threat it poses to South Dakota’s most…
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Officials – Priest Assignment Changes Effective July 2, 2024

Officials – Priest Assignment Changes Effective July 2, 2024

Frontpage News, Officials
Priest Assignment Changes The Most Reverend Donald E. DeGrood has decreed the following priest assignment changes effective July 2, 2024:   Those who will be continuing ministry as senior priests: Reverend Edward Anderson, from chaplain, Avera, Prince of Peace, to senior status. Reverend Richard Baumberger from parochial vicar of Holy Rosary Parish, Kranzburg; St. Michael Parish, Clark; Blessed Sacrament Parish, Florence; St. Henry Parish, Henry; St. Mary Parish, Bryant; Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Watertown; and Immaculate Conception Parish, Watertown, to senior status. Reverend Joseph Forcelle from parochial vicar of Sacred Heart Parish, Yankton; St. Benedict Parish, Yankton; St. Wenceslaus Parish, Tabor; St. Leo Parish, Tyndall; St. John the Baptist Parish, Lesterville; St. George Parish, Scotland; St. Boniface Parish, Idylwilde; and St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Springfield, to senior status.…
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Receive the Holy Spirit

Receive the Holy Spirit

What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit residing within us? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained the consolation we receive when the Holy Spirit resides within us. We are encouraged to draw close to the Lord and ask him for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so God may dwell within us.
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