
An archive of Bishop Donald DeGrood’s homilies, most from the televised Sunday TV Mass. (available to download)

The crosses of life

The crosses of life

Do you try to run away from or avoid the crosses the Lord gives you? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained the importance of embracing our crosses, dying to ourselves, remaining on our cross with Christ and allow him to come alive within us.https://youtu.be/A9zOe46ikso
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Tough love

Tough love

Did it seem like your parents were always telling you no? Why wouldn't they let you do what you wanted? This weekend in his homily, Bishop reflected on the tough love of his parents, how their "no" prepared him for growing in virtue, and how growing in virtue brought greater happiness.https://youtu.be/lxiTtHe27og
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Living in the fullness of life and love

Living in the fullness of life and love

Can you recall a time where you felt guilt, regret and shame? This is often our response when we do something wrong. This weekend in his homily, Bishop encouraged us to stand strong against temptation, to protect those around us, and to live in the fullness of life and love.https://youtu.be/pWh9JIhnFPE
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An outpouring of the Holy Spirit

An outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Did you know the Holy Spirit infuses you with graces particular to your state in life and vocation? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained how the Holy Spirit gives us graces, strength and consolations that are particular to the life God has called us to. We are reminded that the Holy Spirit does not only work through those with power and influence, but often times, in the most ordinary people around us. Don't underestimate God's ability to work through you.https://youtu.be/HtELK1FDeEo
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Receive the Holy Spirit

Receive the Holy Spirit

What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit residing within us? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained the consolation we receive when the Holy Spirit resides within us. We are encouraged to draw close to the Lord and ask him for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so God may dwell within us.https://youtu.be/n6K1c7Pqz70
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Believe without doubt

Believe without doubt

Do you struggle with doubt? Do you doubt God's love and presence, or that he could forgive you of your mistakes and sins? Maybe you struggle to let yourself be free from the guilt and burdens of your mistakes. This weekend in his homily, Bishop acknowledged the spiritual difficulties of doubt, and encouraged us to have trust and faith in God's divine love and mercy. Run to the Lord, and receive his divine mercy.https://youtu.be/3nJbhchjUQQ
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Idolatry of self

Idolatry of self

Our world is filled with idolatry: the love of self and making oneself their own God. This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained why idolatry is dangerous and destructive to our faith, our lives and to society. The good news is that Christ conquered sin and death and is now risen. May Christ rise in our hearts so we may live as God intended us to.https://youtu.be/HlcJB1NPqvQ
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Free yourself from the shackles of sin

Free yourself from the shackles of sin

Have you ever wondered why it’s so dreadful to go to Confession? We should be thinking about the freedom, joy and peace we experience afterward! This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained how the fear of Confession is likely rooted in insecurity and shame. This insecurity and shame can keep us from receiving God’s grace and mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, even though we know we need it. As Easter approaches, Bishop reminded us that we still have time to reconcile with God and receive his forgiveness before we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. https://youtu.be/KqLw3APTlow
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Live today as if it’s your first, last and only day

Live today as if it’s your first, last and only day

Do you live each day as if it's your first, last and only day? This weekend in his homily, Bishop explained the importance of seizing each day and living intentionally. With the recent passing of Bishop Peter Muhich, bishop of the Diocese of Rapid City, Bishop DeGrood reflected on Bishop Muhich's dedication to the Church and to the faithful, even while in hospice. Inspired by Bishop Muhich's faith and love to the end, Bishop DeGrood encouraged us all to seize each day and live each day as if it's our first, last and only day.https://youtu.be/oqg9rBffYcg
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Giving for the glory of God

Giving for the glory of God

Do you struggle to give to others, or give back to God? Do you prefer to give the small coins? This weekend in his homily, Bishop reflected on his childhood when he would always choose to give the small coins to the family Rice Bowl. As time went on, God showed him the joy that comes with giving generously. As our diocese prepares for our annual Catholic Family Sharing Appeal (CFSA), Bishop asks everyone to consider how the ministries funded through CFSA can bless others and give to the glory of God.https://youtu.be/uLnVZTjce9s
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