November 8, 2024

Our featured priest this month is Father Tyler Mattson. Father Mattson was ordained in 2017 and is the parochial vicar for the Pastorate of St. Francis of Assisi. He was born in Sioux Falls and has two older brothers.

How did you get your call to the priesthood?

When I was a junior at O’Gorman High School, we were encouraged to start thinking about what we wanted to do after graduation. I remember thinking, “I have no idea what I want to do after graduation!” I didn’t have any particular interests or passions. It was in this malaise that I heard God speak very clearly to my heart, “Be a priest.” Naturally, I ignored that voice for a couple years and went to the University of South Dakota. While I was there I heard that quiet but clear voice again say, “Be a priest.” I knew I couldn’t keep ignoring it, and so I entered seminary.


What did you do before the priesthood?

Not much! I was mostly just a punk teenager.


Is there a particular part of Catholicism that really fascinates you?

I love the global aspect of the Church, the universality that truly makes the Church “catholic.” I never feel more Catholic than when I am with other Catholics from around the world.


Who was most influential in your life?

Chiara Lubich. She was the founder of the Focolare Movement, which I belong to. She was the one who showed me that holiness is the greatest goal in life. She also taught me that loving like Jesus each day is the most wonderful adventure that life can hold.


What’s your favorite part of being a priest?

I am absolutely convinced that God is Love. It is amazing that as a priest, I get to share that life-changing news every single day. Seriously, I cannot think of a better life than being able to tell people that God loves them immensely.


What’s the most challenging thing?

Finding balance. It can be easy to become immersed in ministry and to lose your sense of self. I have had to intentionally make sure I have time for exercise, hobbies, time with friends, etc.


Who is your go-to saint? Why?

St. Paul. He was my Confirmation saint. From what I can tell, we have very different personalities. Because of that, St. Paul always challenges me to go outside of my comfort zone for the sake of the Gospel.


What do you do in your spare time?

I have a lovely Labradoodle named Tobit. Much of my spare time is going on long walks with him.


What is something most people don’t know about you?

I love to write, and I try to write a little bit each and every day.


How can your parishioners and people of the diocese best help you be a great priest?

Live the Gospel with me. Jesus said that his commandment was to “love one another.” So I can’t live the Gospel without you.


If you could have supper with anyone from history (besides Jesus), who would it be and why?

Can I cheat and pick a married couple? I would choose Jacques and Raissa Maritain. They were an incredibly fascinating couple who helped so many artists become Catholic.