July 16, 2024

St. Thomas More Parish, Brookings, is growing its education offerings in the years ahead.

Father Terry Anderson, pastor, recently received approval from Bishop Paul Swain to expand the school.

A preschool has been in place at St. Thomas More for 16 years.

The Parish’s elementary school was created two years ago as a kindergarten class.

Today, St. Thomas More has students attending preschool, junior kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade.

With the approval, the school will add second grade next year and third grade the following year.

Students already attending the school have shared with their parents how they want to be able to keep going to school at St. Thomas More.

Now that will be able to happen through the third grade.

Tara Mills, a St. Thomas More parishioner and parent to one of the St. Thomas More first grade students could not be happier. “I’m not sure I could imagine better things” for her daughter now. “Her days are filled with prayer, in a church where she feels so at home and comfortable, with priests, a sister and teachers who share about saints, prayer, their families, and their hearts.”

St. Thomas More Catholic School (STMCS) has been prayed for and planned for by faithful people in the parish for many years.

“As we build the Catholic school culture in our community, our enrollment continues to grow,” said Meghan Kelly, the school’s director. “We are enthusiastic about the future of our school.”

St. Thomas More School is now home to 80 students, four full-time and three part-time teachers.

“St. Thomas More Parish has been blessed these past two years with having Catholic School students, teachers and volunteers,” said Father Anderson. “It takes many people to run a school and there were over 50 people from the parish who were directly involved.”

(In the photo: Miss Amanda Entringer teaching her first grade class at St. Thomas More School, Brookings.)

(Photo courtesy, Father Terry Anderson, St. Thomas More Parish, Brookings)