Week 2

Happy week 2 from Team 1! We spent the week down in Elk Point, SD! There were 48 kids that came to the morning program and 29 that came to the evening program! It was so much fun to get to know, teach, and play games with all those kiddos! One of the more fun moments I can remember from the evening program was playing Pterodactyl, which is a game where, if you show your teeth while laughing, squawking, and/or saying Pterodactyl you’re out! The last night, (as shown in 2 of the pictures) of the evening program we had our fun night where we had games of wiffleball and volleyball, some trampoline jumping, and some trial and error with roasting different candies around the campfire! The picture of the weird yellow thing by the fire, it’s a starburst that was gorgeously roasted to perfection. Which is crunchy on the outside and warm and melted on the inside. SO GOOD!

Some of the other pictures are from the morning program, Sophia was honored as the one chosen to be shaving creamed this week! The last picture to mention is of our St Martin of Tours skit, where Tanner played Jesus, Bryn played a beggar, Jeremiah played Martin, and Sophia helped explain the skit and answer questions from the kiddos! It was a lot of fun getting to teach in so many different ways!

I can’t wait to see what next week brings! Thank you all for your support and prayers! God bless!