Prayer warriors needed!

We are seeking more prayer warriors for the Eucharistic Revival. This is a great opportunity for your parishioners to participate in the Revival and grow as missionary disciples. If you are able, please use the blurb below for your Sunday Bulletin, or edit it for size as needed. We appreciate your help!

Bulletin blurb:

The Eucharistic Revival is in full swing and its success depends on each and every Catholic in our diocese. Padre Pio said it best: “Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.” We are in need of prayer warriors who will unite the monthly diocesan intentions for the success of the Eucharistic Revival to their prayers. Each month we send out a newsletter with the intentions and other news from the revival for prayer warriors who have joined the cause. To sign up, please visit and scroll down to our sign-up form.