Upcoming Events


  • Chrism Mass – March 23
  • Diocesan Finance Council – March 30
  • Priest Council – May 11
  • Diocesan Finance Council – June 29
  • Priest Council – August 17
  • Diocesan Finance Council – August 31
  • Priest Council – November 9

Diocesan email newsletter launched

The Communications Office at the Chancery has launched a diocesan weekly email newsletter called Against the Current. This newsletter will be sent to all Catholic households each week by email. It is designed to help form missionary disciples in our diocese by providing Catholic videos and stories, news through a Catholic lens, challenges to help them grow, and much more.

There will also be opportunities for parishes to submit happenings that will be considered for future newsletters. We will consider things like events that have taken place, accomplishments, or upcoming events that include area or regional parishes.

If you did not get the newsletter yourself or if you’d like to direct your parishioners to check it out, use this link to sign up: www.sfcatholic.org/newsletter. It would be greatly appreciated if you can spread the word by including a blurb in your parish bulletin to encourage those who are not getting it to sign up. The more the Catholics in our diocese hear from both their parishes and the diocese, the more we can Set them Ablaze and fill our parishes!

Bulletin Blurb

Did you know the diocese has a weekly email newsletter? This newsletter is full of carefully curated Catholic content, including our Sunday Scripture Series, a weekly challenge, tips on living your baptismal call of missionary discipleship, new and fun ways to bring your faith into everyday life, news from the week through a Catholic lens, and much more. Visit sfcatholic.org/newsletter to sign up!

Mass counts requested

Dear Pastors and Pastoral Administrators,

Thank you for your continued support of the pastoral planning process. One component of pastoral planning is the need for good statistical information. Parish attendance is valuable data. Moving forward, the Priest Council is asking that parishes conduct a Mass count at every weekend Mass, starting this weekend.

To report attendance numbers, you can simply complete the online Parish Attendance Report. Please submit your attendance counts by the end of the business day every Monday. Attached is a count form that will aid your volunteers in tracking the attendance at each Mass. We strongly encourage you to use actual counts versus an estimated count.

If you have any questions or need assistance in completing the online report, please don’t hesitate to contact John Woodraska (605-988-3751).  Thank you for your cooperation.

In Christ,

Chris Motz

2023 Parish Attendance Worksheet

The Bible in the Mass at St. Mary, Salem

“The Bible in the Mass,” featuring guest speaker Dr. Demetrio Aguila III, will be held at St. Mary Parish in Salem on Sunday, April 30. This event will be held at the parish at 240 W. Vermont Avenue from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day begins with Mass at 10:30, followed by a meal and fellowship at 11:45, and Dr. Aguila will begin at 1:00. His presentation will reveal the details that connect the Scripture and the Jewish roots of the Mass. Free-will donation for the meal and speaker. All are welcome to attend.

Brothers in Christ event

The Brothers in Christ 2nd Annual Spring Event, “This is my body,” will be Saturday, March 25 at Holy Spirit Parish in Sioux Falls. The speaker will be Dr. Chris Burgwald. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and the event starts at 8 a.m. The event will wrap up by noon.

Prayer warriors needed!

We are seeking more prayer warriors for the Eucharistic Revival. This is a great opportunity for your parishioners to participate in the Revival and grow as missionary disciples. If you are able, please use the blurb below for your Sunday Bulletin, or edit it for size as needed. We appreciate your help!

Bulletin blurb:

The Eucharistic Revival is in full swing and its success depends on each and every Catholic in our diocese. Padre Pio said it best: “Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.” We are in need of prayer warriors who will unite the monthly diocesan intentions for the success of the Eucharistic Revival to their prayers. Each month we send out a newsletter with the intentions and other news from the revival for prayer warriors who have joined the cause. To sign up, please visit sfcatholic.org/eucharisticrevival and scroll down to our sign-up form.

Upcoming Events

  • Priest Council meeting – February 9, 11 a.m.
  • Gift of Hope – February 11
  • Rite of Election for RCIA Candidates – February 26, 1:30 p.m. at Cathedral
  • Chrism Mass – March 23
  • Diocesan Finance Council – March 30
  • Priest Council – May 11
  • Diocesan Finance Council – June 29
  • Priest Council – August 17
  • Diocesan Finance Council – August 31
  • Priest Council – November 9

Catholic Foundation Grant Applications

The Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota is pleased to continue to provide grants to serve the spiritual, educational, health, and social needs of the people served by the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls. We encourage you to consider if there is a new program or ministry in your parish or school that needs seed money and submit an application for a grant to get it started. Please go to the Catholic Foundation webpage (https://ccfesd.org/grants) to obtain more information or to obtain a grant request form. The due date for this spring’s application is March 1. If you have any questions, please contact Tony Menke at tmenke@ccfesd.org or 605-988-3706.