Request for prayers and penances to defeat Amendment G

Bishop DeGrood is encouraging all clergy and lay faithful to pray after Sunday Mass for the defeat of Amendment G. This can be done either formally as a parish or individually in private prayer after Mass. A suggestion would be to pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be or the St. Michael prayer. In addition, because every Friday is a day of penance, he is also encouraging all Catholics to offer their penance for the defeat of Amendment G.

Need some ideas for what to offer as a penance? Give up meat for the day, stay off social media, leave the TV off, use the stairs instead of the elevator, or forgo a favorite beverage. Any penance is a powerful act of love.

Pastors have already received this request through the Clergy Only Bulletin Board, so please consult with your pastor if needed before general requests of the faithful in your parishes are made. Thank you for your help in this critically important time.

As one diocese, let us storm heaven with prayers for the defeat of Amendment G!

Necrology report needed for 2023-2024

Each year in the November issue of the Bishop’s Bulletin, we feature a complete listing of those of our diocesan family who have died during the past year. We need your assistance in compiling that list.

Please check your records and list the names of all members of your parish(es)/community who have died on or after September 1, 2023, through those who have died on or before August 31, 2024, in a Word document or email.

Please note the end date to be included has changed from September 30 to August 31. This is due to the deadline with our printer which requires content to them approximately six weeks prior to mailing.

Please list (per parish/religious community)

  • Names of the dead, first then last name (no nicknames, only proper names, like Helen Jones, not Mrs. Johnny Jones, or Jones, Helen). Middle name/initial is not needed, and will not be included in the final report.
  • Date of his/her death in chronological order. Day of the week is not needed.
  • For example your report should look like this: Helen Jones- Oct. 24; Jim Smith- Nov. 18; Carol Nelson- Jan. 17

Please respond even if your parish/community has recorded no deaths in this time period. Simply state “no deaths.”

Please send your report in a Word document, Google doc/sheet or type it directly into the email so it can be easily copied and formatted for the Bishop’s Bulletin, and indicate your parish(es)/community in the email subject line.

Begin sending your information after August 31, reports will not be accepted before August 31. The deadline for reports to be sent in and included in the Necrology is September 16.

Brianna will respond to your email when she has received it. If you don’t hear from her, she did not get it.

Please email your reports to Brianna Wingen at

Thank you for your help with getting this report compiled. If you have any questions, call Brianna at 605-988-3789 or email at

Necrology report needed for 2023-2024

Each year in the November issue of the Bishop’s Bulletin, we feature a complete listing of those of our diocesan family who have died during the past year. We need your assistance in compiling that list.

Please check your records and list the names of all members of your parish(es)/community who have died on or after September 1, 2023, through those who have died on or before August 31, 2024, in a Word document or email.

Please note the end date to be included has changed from September 30 to August 31. This is due to the deadline with our printer which requires content to them approximately six weeks prior to mailing.

Please list (per parish/religious community)

  • Names of the dead, first then last name (no nicknames, only proper names, like Helen Jones, not Mrs. Johnny Jones, or Jones, Helen). Middle name/initial is not needed, and will not be included in the final report.
  • Date of his/her death in chronological order. Day of the week is not needed.
  • For example your report should look like this: Helen Jones- Oct. 24; Jim Smith- Nov. 18; Carol Nelson- Jan. 17

Please respond even if your parish/community has recorded no deaths in this time period. Simply state “no deaths.”

Please send your report in a Word document or type it directly into the email so it can be easily copied and formatted for the Bishop’s Bulletin, and indicate your parish(es)/community in the email subject line.

Begin sending your information after August 31, reports will not be accepted before August 31. The deadline for reports to be sent in and included in the Necrology is September 16.

Brianna will respond to your email when she has received it. If you don’t hear from her, she did not get it.

Please email your reports to Brianna Wingen at

Thank you for your help with getting this report compiled. If you have any questions, call Brianna at 605-988-3789 or email at

Confirmation photos wanted!

We would like to share Confirmation photos from around the diocese in the Against the Current email newsletter! If your parish/pastorate has already had Confirmation for this year, please send a group photo to Brianna Wingen ( if you would like it included. If you haven’t had Confirmations yet, don’t worry! We’ll be including these photos several times over the next few months. Send them to us afterward. Thank you and happy Confirmation season!

Help for social media and websites

Are you part of a parish or pastorate staff and work with social media or websites? It’s likely you’re starting to encounter the need to make decisions about merging Facebook pages, building a new website and other digital media issues. The Communications Team here at the Chancery has been through most of these things and is here to help you wade through them!

If you have questions about social media, websites or any other communications issues, we encourage you to reach out to us. You can email Renae Kranz at You don’t have to struggle alone!

Survey for The Bishop’s Bulletin

The team that produces The Bishop’s Bulletin every month works hard to create interesting, faithful and inspiring stories to help everyone grow in their Catholic faith. 

We want to hear your thoughts about the content we provide here and in other formats. We’ve developed a survey to help us get to know you better and to understand what you like and need. We will use the information to focus our efforts and continue to improve this magazine and other content such as videos, podcasts and social media content.

To complete the survey and have your voice heard, scan the QR code below. It won’t take long, but it will really help us out! Please share this in your parish bulletins if you can so we can get as many Catholics to complete the survey as possible. Thank you for your help!

Necrology report needed for 2022-2023

Each year in the November issue of the Bishop’s Bulletin, we feature a complete listing of those of our diocesan family who have died during the past year. We need your assistance in compiling that list.

Please check your records and list the names of all members of your parish(es)/community who have died on or after September 1, 2022, through those who have died on or before August 31, 2023, in a Word document or email.

Please note the end date to be included has changed from September 30 to August 31. This is due to the deadline changes with our new printer, which requires content to them approximately six weeks prior to mailing.

Please list (per parish/religious community)

  • Names of the dead, first then last name (no nicknames, only proper names, like Helen Jones, not Mrs. Johnny Jones, or Jones, Helen). Middle name/initial is not needed, and will not be included in the final report.
  • Date of his/her death in chronological order. Day of the week is not needed.
  • For example your report should look like this: Helen Jones- Oct. 24; Jim Smith- Nov. 18; Carol Nelson- Jan. 17

Please respond even if your parish/community has recorded no deaths in this time period. Simply state “no deaths.”

Please send your report in a Word document or type it directly into the email so it can be easily copied and formatted for the Bishop’s Bulletin, and indicate your parish(es)/community in the email subject line.

Begin sending your information after August 31, reports will not be accepted before August 31. The deadline for reports to be sent in and included in the Necrology is September 15.

Brianna will respond to your email when she has received it. If you don’t hear from her, she did not get it.

Please email your reports to Brianna Wingen at

Thank you for your help with getting this report compiled. If you have any questions, call Brianna at 605-988-3789 or email at

Necrology report needed for 2022-2023

Each year in the November issue of the Bishop’s Bulletin, we feature a complete listing of those of our diocesan family who have died during the past year. We need your assistance in compiling that list.

Please check your records and list the names of all members of your parish(es)/community who have died on or after September 1, 2022, through those who have died on or before August 31, 2023, in a Word document or email.

Please note the end date to be included has changed from September 30 to August 31. This is due to the deadline changes with our new printer which requires content to them approximately six weeks prior to mailing.

Please list (per parish/religious community)

  • Names of the dead, first then last name (no nicknames, only proper names, like Helen Jones, not Mrs. Johnny Jones, or Jones, Helen). Middle name/initial is not needed, and will not be included in the final report.
  • Date of his/her death in chronological order. Day of the week is not needed.
  • For example your report should look like this: Helen Jones- Oct. 24; Jim Smith- Nov. 18; Carol Nelson- Jan. 17

Please respond even if your parish/community has recorded no deaths in this time period. Simply state “no deaths.”

Please send your report in a Word document or type it directly into the email so it can be easily copied and formatted for the Bishop’s Bulletin, and indicate your parish(es)/community in the email subject line.

Begin sending your information after August 31, reports will not be accepted before August 31. The deadline for reports to be sent in and included in the Necrology is September 15.

Brianna will respond to your email when she has received it. If you don’t hear from her, she did not get it.

Please email your reports to Brianna Wingen at

Thank you for your help with getting this report compiled. If you have any questions, call Brianna at 605-988-3789 or email at

Mass times on diocesan website

As you are transitioning into the new pastorates, you may be wondering whether you should send your new Mass times to the Chancery to update the diocesan website ( The answer is yes and no, depending on your situation.

We will be doing something a little different with these pages going forward. If a parish has a website (whether its own or combined with other parishes), we will link the parish listing on the diocesan website to your website. That way as soon as a visitor clicks on your parish (from the diocesan website), they will be taken directly to your website to see Mass times and any other information you have on your site.

If you do not have a website for a parish, don’t worry! We will continue to update your Mass times on the diocesan website until your pastorate-wide website is created.

With those changes in mind, please be sure to keep your websites up-to-date, and send the Chancery any Mass time changes for any parish you are responsible for that does not have a website. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Renae ( or Elise (


Diocesan email newsletter launched

The Communications Office at the Chancery has launched a diocesan weekly email newsletter called Against the Current. This newsletter will be sent to all Catholic households each week by email. It is designed to help form missionary disciples in our diocese by providing Catholic videos and stories, news through a Catholic lens, challenges to help them grow, and much more.

There will also be opportunities for parishes to submit happenings that will be considered for future newsletters. We will consider things like events that have taken place, accomplishments, or upcoming events that include area or regional parishes.

If you did not get the newsletter yourself or if you’d like to direct your parishioners to check it out, use this link to sign up: It would be greatly appreciated if you can spread the word by including a blurb in your parish bulletin to encourage those who are not getting it to sign up. The more the Catholics in our diocese hear from both their parishes and the diocese, the more we can Set them Ablaze and fill our parishes!

Bulletin Blurb

Did you know the diocese has a weekly email newsletter? This newsletter is full of carefully curated Catholic content, including our Sunday Scripture Series, a weekly challenge, tips on living your baptismal call of missionary discipleship, new and fun ways to bring your faith into everyday life, news from the week through a Catholic lens, and much more. Visit to sign up!