May 07, 2020 by wpadmin
Everyone should know
- Bishop DeGrood has dispensed the Sunday Mass obligation due to pandemic conditions. Live streamed Masses will continue for those at risk and unable to attend in person.
- Pastors, with guidance, may begin to offer Masses starting May 15 or later with social distance measures in place. Check with your local parish for more information.
- We are grateful for all you have endured and thank you in advance for your good decisions as we continue through this experience.
Who should stay home?
- Those at risk due to age or other conditions that weaken you.
- Those who care for those at risk.
- Those still uncomfortable in public settings with others.
- Those with fever or coughs similar to COVID-19 symptoms.
- Those living with people with fever, coughs or other symptoms.
If I come to a Mass, how should I prepare?
- Continue social distancing by keeping six feet between families/other persons.
- Sanitize hands before and after Mass.
- Masks protect others as much as they do you. Consider wearing one.
- Be patient and kind. We’re all new at this. Follow your pastor’s instructions.
- Be prepared for hiccups, especially in seating, which will be limited. Be alert to changing conditions.
- Let us keep each other and everyone in our prayers.
- Let us pray for all those affected by COVID-19 and those laboring for them.
- We may be physically separated, but we are spiritually united.