Resources and materials from the USCCB, Vatican and Diocese for the Synod on Synodality
USCCB link:
Official Handbook from the Vatican “Vademecum for Synod on Synodality”
Vatican Link:
Overview of the Synod Consultation in the Diocese of Sioux Falls:
"Communion, Participation & Mission"
1. God gathers us together in Christocentric, Trinitarian communion
2. We listen to his word
3. "We all have a role to play in discerning and living out God's call for his people"
2. We listen to his word
3. "We all have a role to play in discerning and living out God's call for his people"
1. Lay, consecrated and ordained- “called to engage in the exercise of deep and respectful listening to one another and the Holy Spirit.”
2. Called to “pray, listen, analyze, dialogue, discern and offer advice on making pastoral decisions which correspond as closely as possible to God’s will”
2. Called to “pray, listen, analyze, dialogue, discern and offer advice on making pastoral decisions which correspond as closely as possible to God’s will”
1. The Church exists to evangelize
2. Process aims at helping the Church to better witness to the Gospel
2. Process aims at helping the Church to better witness to the Gospel
Prayer for the Synod Prayer Cards

Pew Size Prayer Card
A full sheet of cards available at the link below

Bookmark Size Prayer Card
A full sheet of cards available at the link below
Some inspirational quotes from the Vademecum
- “One listening to others, all listening to the Holy Spirit”
- “We aim to be attentive to how the Spirit speaks through the People of God.”
- “Synodality is not a corporate strategic exercise. Rather it is a spiritual process that is led by the Holy Spirit”
- “The aim is not to overwhelm dioceses and parishes, but rather to integrate the Synodal Process into the life of the local Church in creative ways that promote deepening communion, fuller participation, and more fruitful mission”
- “Synodality does not exist without the pastoral authority of the College of Bishops under the primacy of the successor of Peter, as well as the pastoral authority of each diocesan Bishop in the dioceses entrusted to his care”
- As a general guide, give more emphasis to the types of questions that evoke personal stories and real-life experiences rather than “doctrinal” statements.
- “Each listening phase will be adapted to local circumstances”
- “It is very important to note that the diocesan synthesis …should be an honest report of all that was shared during the diocesan phase of the Synodal Process, representing the variety of views and perspectives of the People of God”